FBI report shows slight decrease in Arizona car thefts in 2020
Nov 13, 2021, 5:00 AM
(Pixabay photo)
PHOENIX — Recent data from the FBI showed Arizona had a slight decrease in car thefts last year, one of only 10 states that had a decline.
The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report Program noted 17,937 vehicle thefts were reported in Arizona for the calendar year of 2020, down from 18,151 in 2019, according to a press release.
Arizona ranks at No. 14 in the number of car thefts nationwide and at No. 21 for car theft rate, which is based on thefts per 100,000 residents, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau. It’s the first time the U.S. car theft rate (246.0) exceeded Arizona’s car theft rate (241.7).
The state has also witnessed a notable decline since the early 2000s when there were over 50,000 car thefts a year.
Evan Daniels, director of the Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions, hopes to see the downward trend persist with continued grant funding the organization awards to law enforcement, prosecutors, and for outreach and education.
“Most significantly, Arizona’s auto owners make the biggest difference by taking the time to park smart and secure their vehicles and belongings at all times,” Daniels said in the release.
There were 810,400 car thefts nationwide in 2020, according to the report, an 11.8% increase from 2019.