Kari Lake says it’s ‘not cool’ that Green Party candidate not included in US Senate debate
Aug 29, 2024, 4:17 PM

Kari Lake, left, wants Eduardo Quintana to participate in the Oct. 9 Arizona U.S. Senate debate (Getty Images Photo, left/Eduardo Quintana Photo, right)
(Getty Images Photo, left/Eduardo Quintana Photo, right)
PHOENIX — Kari Lake wants all candidates to appear in the upcoming Arizona U.S. Senate general election debate and is calling on her Democratic counterpart to make that happen.
Eduardo Quintana is the Green Party candidate. He won the primary as a write-in candidate but isn’t included in the Oct. 9 debate, which Lake wants to change.
For that to happen, both Lake and Gallego would have to agree, according to debate organizers Clean Elections.
“I think it should include everybody who’s on the ballot, whether it’s Libertarian, Green Party, Republican, Independent, Democrat,” Lake told KTAR News 92.3 FM’s The Mike Broomhead Show on Thursday.
“I’m calling for everybody who’s on the ballot to be in there. Apparently, they did not invite the Green Party candidate. I think that’s not cool.”
US Senate debate: Why does Kari Lake want Green Party candidate in?
Lake blamed Democrats for trying to keep third party candidates out of debates unless it helps their cause.
Quintana’s inclusion likely wouldn’t have a significant impact on final results — he won the July 30 primary with 282 votes — but Lake said it’s about inclusion.
“I would be calling for all of the candidates that are on the ballot for the U.S. Senate race to be present and able to make their case at this debate,” Lake said.
Quintana has hailed Lake’s attempt to get him into the debate.
“Kari and I have several important disagreements on policy, that’s no secret,” Quintana said in a social media post. “But I applaud her for stepping up and demanding that all candidates be allowed to debate.”
Polling has shown Gallego ahead of Lake during most of the cycle.
Polling results released Thursday by Phoenix-based research firm Noble Predictive Insights found Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego leading Republican Kari Lake 47-40%. Another poll released Wednesday by Fox News said Gallego led 56%-41% over Lake.
Lake disagreed with polling that had her behind.
“It’s absolutely insane. Fifteen points? Are you kidding?” Lake said. “Nobody wins by 15 points, OK?”