Survey: Arizona voters think hospitals have done well handling coronavirus
Jun 7, 2020, 4:15 AM
(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
PHOENIX — The coronavirus is by no means defeated, but after three months, a survey indicates the majority of Arizona voters think hospitals and health care systems have done a good job handling the pandemic.
Participants in the Arizona HighGround survey gave Arizona hospitals and health care systems praise, as 35.5% said these institutions did a “very good” job and 26.8% said it was “excellent.”
Only 7.3% of the 400 voters surveyed said the systems’ performance was “poor” or “failing.”
The survey was taken between May 18 and 22 with likely general election voters. HighGround said the organization asked across different political parties but more Republicans than others, based on previous election trends.
There was bipartisan agreement that the healthcare system has done well. It received “very good” or “excellent” votes from 68% of Republicans, 61% of Democrats, and 56% Independent and unaffiliated voters.
The state’s power and water utilities also did well in the survey, as 47.3% said those institutions did a very good or excellent job.
Local schools also got high marks, with 45.3% of participants grading them as very good or excellent. Among people with kids at home, 53.4% gave very good or excellent reviews.
The long-term care facilities are at the very bottom of the list. Only 18.8% of voters ranked them as one of the highest two marks while 29.3% graded them as poor or failing. However, 27% of participants said they did not know how to properly rate long-term facilities.
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey was among the entries voters were asked to mark.
Results for his performance were highly varied.
Ducey had more OK votes than any other selection, but participants were split on whether he did extremely well or extremely poorly.
Of the voters, 31.1% said he did a very good or excellent job, while 30.3% said his performance was poor or failing.
Results for President Donald Trump’s performance were similarly mixed.
While 38.5% of people gave Trump a failing grade, 25.3% gave him an excellent grade. That was the highest percentage of a failing grade on the list, but the second-highest percentage of an “excellent.”
Meanwhile, 13.5% wrote that he did very well but 10.5% said his performance was poor.