MCSO seizes over 200 pounds of marijuana in Tonopah drug operation
Oct 12, 2019, 4:15 AM
(Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Photo)
PHOENIX — The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office seized over 200 pounds of marijuana in Tonopah on Thursday.
According a press release on Friday, the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Task Force served a search warrant after detectives received information that two suspects were illegally growing and selling marijuana, which violates the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act.
Inside, the task force found that the suspects had eight rooms designed to grow marijuana. Six of those rooms were in operation when the search was executed.
“The amount of illicit drugs coming through Maricopa County continue to pose a threat to our community, in specifically, our youth, and these detectives continue to make this agency proud every day and I thank them for their outstanding work in getting these illegal drugs off the street,” Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone said in the release.
The team also found approximately four pounds of cannabis, a large amount of growing and manufacturing equipment, five rifles, one handgun and $20,100 in cash.
Penzone also noted that MCSO seized several hundred pounds of illicit narcotics, multiple illegally owned firearms and counterfeit cash from Maricopa County streets in September alone.