Wildlife officials relocate mountain lion caught on Arizona hospital campus
Jul 17, 2024, 3:00 PM

After a mountain lion had wandered onto the campus of the Tucson Medical Center on Friday, it was released into the wild on Saturday. (Arizona Game and Fish Department)
(Arizona Game and Fish Department)
PHOENIX — A mountain lion that wandered onto the grounds of an Arizona hospital last week was captured and released into the wild, authorities said.
Arizona Game and Fish Department officials were notified that the big cat was entrapped in the courtyard of the Tucson Medical Center around 10:30 a.m. Friday.
The hospital is located near Grant and Craycroft roads in the north section of the southern Arizona city.
With help from the Tucson Police Department, wildlife officers used darts to tranquilize the animal without harming it about two hours later.
The mountain lion, an adult male, was then transported to the Game and Fish regional office in Tucson.
Authorities determined the animal was healthy and non-aggressive, so they put a GPS radio collar on him and released him into the wild outside the Tucson area on Saturday.