Tempe City Council approves partnership with SRP to increase renewable energy use
Jan 21, 2024, 6:30 PM
(Photo/Wilson Ring)
PHOENIX — The Tempe City Council approved a partnership with SRP to supply 20% of the electricity for city facilities via a 300-megawatt solar field planned for construction in Flagstaff.
The vote on Friday moves Tempe one step closer to its desired goal of using 100% renewable energy for city operations by 2035.
“By entering into the agreement with SRP, city operations powered by renewable energy will increase from 35% to 52% by 2026,” Mayor Corey Woods said in a release. “Tempe really has been making strides as a leader to address sustainability in our community.”
In November, the Tempe City Council approved a resolution to commit future city facility construction projects to adhere to the International Green Construction Code.
The IgCC helps to mitigate green house gas emissions and ensures buildings will be constructed to adapt to the Sonoran Desert climate.
“By becoming carbon-neutral, we aim to improve community health outcomes, save money and create jobs while setting a precedent for Tempe residents, businesses and other cities to prioritize investing in energy efficiency,” Tempe Sustainability and Resilience Director Eric Iweersen said.
The city encourages community members to use simple steps like planting native plants and trees for shade, covering windows with drapes and sealing leaky pipes to reduce energy use at their homes.