Ability360 works to support independent living for those with disabilities
Jun 5, 2023, 8:00 PM | Updated: Jun 8, 2023, 8:56 am
(Photo by Craig P. Smith)
PHOENIX — KTAR’s community spotlight this month focuses on a Valley business that offers various services to those living with disabilities.
Ability360 is an independent living center that’s been established in Phoenix for over 40 years.
The center offers about 150 programs and services to help people with different disabilities to maintain or keep an independent lifestyle.
The nonprofit focuses on four areas to include home care, independent living programs, advocacy, and sports and fitness.
“What we’re trying to do not only with these programs…. [is] tear down some of those misconceptions around people with disabilities in terms of them not being able to exercise maximum independence alongside their typically abled peers,” Chris Rodriguez, president and CEO, told KTAR 92.3 FM’s Arizona’s Morning News on Monday.
On July 4, Ability360 will host the organization’s first Independence Cup, an online gaming tournament.
The game of choice will be Rocket League, and the cost to participate is free.
The skills players gain through e-sports are improved concentration and creativity, eye-hand coordination and community.
Three players will take home the 1st place prize ($250), three will take home the 2nd place prize and three will go home with the 3rd place prize ($50).
Those interested in participating in the online tournament are asked to text “ABILITY” to 411923.
All proceeds from the tournament will go toward benefitting the Ability360 Phoenix Rising Soccer Team.