100 Club of Arizona unveils apps to help first responders with mental health issues
Jun 22, 2022, 4:45 AM
PHOENIX — After a rough couple of years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 100 Club of Arizona is hoping to give back to the state’s first responders by unveiling an app to deal with mental health issues.
The 100 Club of Arizona, a first responder support group, created the free “Fireproof” and “Bulletproof” apps, which help connect first responders to qualified mental health professionals.
“We have peer support integrated into there so they can reach out to some local peer support individuals,” Angela Harrolle, President and CEO, said.
Dara Rampersad, a doctor and mental health expert, said first responders worked longer hours and experienced more fatigue during the pandemic.
Rampersad said the goal is to help first responders feel like they can seek out help.
“That shortage of staff is causing a lot of strain on the existing [employees] that are working straight on trucks and patrol cars and the burnout rate is higher than before,” Rampersad said.
Harrolle said the app is also helping to bring awareness and training to the departments across the state.
The apps have been used by agencies across the state since its launch, according to Harrolle.
“To bring that higher level of awareness to provide training to their people so that they know what those needs are without people having to raise their hand and say I’m struggling”