Phoenix police searching for suspects in separate crimes at fast food restaurant McDonalds
Aug 21, 2023, 1:00 PM | Updated: Aug 23, 2023, 7:06 am

Image on the far left shows the suspect from the July 5, 2023, McDonald's break-in near Seventh Street and McDowell Road. Right image is the suspect from the second McDonalds break-in. (Phoenix Police Department photos)
(Phoenix Police Department photos)
PHOENIX — Be on the lookout for a couple of McCrooks.
Our first case takes us to the McDonalds near Seventh Street and McDowell Road on July 5, 2023. This guy broke in while the restaurant was closed.
“While inside the store, he caused extensive damage to the property in excess of $20,000,” Phoenix Police Office Mike Fischer said. “And he also caused damage to a vehicle that was in the parking lot.”
Officer Fischer said the man was on a vandalism spree.
“He got a fire extinguisher and sprayed the whole inside of the McDonalds,” he said.
But at one point, he looks up directly into the camera, and it captures a good picture of him.
Next, a guy with a knife at the McDonalds on Central and Southern avenues.
Officer Fischer said it was July 23, 2023, just after 9 a.m.
“Just imagine, there were customers in there,” Fischer said.
And he pretended to be one of the customers.
“He was ordering food and as soon as the register opened up, this suspect walked around the back of the counter, took out a knife and took the money from the register,” Fischer said.
No one was hurt, and the parking lot cameras got some clear shots of the guy.