Phoenix police seeking Hobby Lobby peeper, Redbox robber
May 25, 2020, 10:30 AM

(Redbox Photo)
(Redbox Photo)
This isn’t the kind of hobby this retailer had in mind.
“This is a very sick person who would do something like this.”
Phoenix Police Sgt. Derek Elmore is referring to the crime that happened at the Hobby Lobby near Tatum Boulevard and Cactus Road. It was Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014, just after noon. The suspect was in the store acting strangely.
“While in the store, he follows a 57-year-old woman around,” said Elmore. “She’s wearing a long skirt and when he gets the opportunity he uses his cellphone to take a picture and/or video up the woman’s skirt.”
The woman knew there was something creepy about the guy and tracked down the manager. That’s when the suspect took off. Surveillance tapes showed the man taking the up-skirt pics. Elmore said this is a good example of why you should trust your instincts.
Our next case takes us to the Circle K at 31st Street and Broadway Road in southeast Phoenix. It was Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014 just after 10:30 p.m. A man was using the Redbox out front when a guy came up behind him.
“He pointed a gun to the back of the victim’s head,” said Elmore.
Then a woman approached the victim and robbed him of a necklace as the gunman threatened to shoot him.
The victim wasn’t hurt. There are surveillance pictures of the female suspect from an earlier purchase she made inside the store.