St. Vincent de Paul partners with Sonoran University to open medical clinic
Nov 25, 2023, 5:45 AM

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul recently opened a medical clinic at the charity’s shelter at Washington and 28th streets in Phoenix. (St. Vincent dePaul).
(St. Vincent dePaul)
PHOENIX – Thanks to a grant awarded by the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, Sonoran University of Health Sciences has partnered with The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, to open a medical clinic at the charity’s shelter at Washington and 28th streets in Phoenix.
The grant will support start-up costs to launch the clinic. During the project’s span, Sonoran University’s clinic will operate for 20 hours per week. This amounts to over 1,000 hours of services and over 2,000 patient visits.
“We’re already exploring the different ways we can reach SVdP’s other shelters and transitional housing programs; we’re eager to begin helping Arizona’s most vulnerable populations,” said Paul Mittman, president & CEO of Sonoran University.
The 200-person shelter provides holistic support to men and women who strive to overcome homelessness and move forward in their lives. Shelter guests live in the program full time until they can move into a sustainable and suitable environment.
“This new clinic located right on site furthers access and our mission to help meet all our residents’ needs. It will be a game-changer for a population that often has struggled to access clinic care, putting their health at risk. Now, we can look forward to better health outcomes,” said Jennifer Morgan, Saint Vincent de Paul’s interim housing community training and special projects manager.
The Valley’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul first gathered in St. Mary’s Catholic Church in 1946. Today, the society serves central and northern Arizona and works to feed, clothe, house and heal individuals and families in need.