Light rail track repairs to affect service in Tempe starting next week
May 22, 2024, 8:00 PM

Light rail service in Tempe is going to be affected starting next week. (Valley Metro Photo)
(Valley Metro Photo)
PHOENIX — Valley Metro Light Rail service will be impacted in two Tempe locations over the next few weeks while track repairs are made.
The repairs will happen in two waves.
The first wave is slated for Dorsey Lane/Apache Boulevard from May 28 through June 1.
During this time, the system will operate in two sections (Metro Parkway to Veterans Way/College Avenue and Veterans Way/College Avenue to Gilbert Road/Main Street).
- Between Metro Parkway and Veterans Way/College Avenue – Service will operate every 15 minutes.
- Between Gilbert Road/Main Street and Veterans Way/College Avenue – Service will operate every 40 minutes from start of service until 7 p.m. After 7 p.m., trains will operate every 20 minutes.
Riders will need to use the eastbound sides of these platforms for travel in both directions:
- University Drive/Rural Road.
- McClintock Drive/Apache Boulevard.
- Smith-Martin Lane/Apache Boulevard.
- Dorsey Lane/Apache Boulevard.
Additionally, riders traveling beyond Veterans Way/College Avenue will need to transfer trains to continue their trips eastbound and westbound.
The second wave is slated for Mill Avenue/3rd Street repairs from June 3-5.
Trains will rotate operating between full trips and partial trips.
Partial trips are:
- Between 44th Street/Washington Street and Metro Parkway – Service will operate every 15 minutes.
- Between 44th Street/Washington Street and Gilbert Road/Main Street – Service will operate every 30 minutes.
Riders will need to use the eastbound sides of these platforms for travel in both directions:
- Priest Drive/Washington Street.
- Center Parkway/Washington Street.
- Mill Avenue/3rd Street.
Valley Metro will share updates to these projects online.