Resource page of organizations across the Valley that provide support to the homeless
Jun 11, 2023, 4:00 PM | Updated: Jun 13, 2024, 12:34 pm

(Facebook Photo/City of Tempe Government)
(Facebook Photo/City of Tempe Government)
PHOENIX — On Monday, June 12, KTAR News launched a special news series titled “Without a Home,” where we explored the issue of homelessness across the Phoenix metro area.
Here is a list of organizations that provide resources for those experiencing homelessness in the Valley:
- Maggie’s Place: The organization provides safe housing and a nurturing community to homeless pregnant women.
- Homeless Solutions: The city of Tempe aims to help those experiencing homelessness by connecting them to housing and social services.
- Cleo Lewis Ministries: Cleo Lewis is an ordained Assemblies of God pastor who works to serve first responders, veterans, repeated offenders and homeless outreach communities by connecting them to services.
- Lost Our Home Pet Rescue: A nonprofit, no-kill pet rescue based in Tempe that provides compassionate services to pets.
- Shoebox Ministry: The organization coordinates the gathering and distribution of toiletry items across metro Phoenix to those experiencing homelessness and others who are unable to afford hygiene items.
- ASU’s Action Nexus on Housing and Homelessness:
The initiative utilizes university resources and connect existing agencies and system to drive solutions forward collaboratively.
- Veteran Rescue Mission: The nonprofit is a veteran-led front searching for all homeless veterans to connect them to services.
- Central Arizona Shelter Services: The shelter works to prevent and end homelessness while advancing community solutions.
- Human Services Campus: A collaborative group of 20 partner organizations that are working to end homelessness.
- 211: The information and referral service program founded in 1964 is used to help individuals and families find resources that are available to them locally.
- St. Joseph the Worker: The company’s mission is to connect the Valley’s disadvantaged, homeless and transitioning population to quality jobs.
- Maricopa County Homeless Services: The Homeless Services Unit collaborates with the community to make homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.
- Justa Center: The organization supplies life-sustaining resources, services and support to help the homeless seniors get back on a path to housing.
- Andre House: André House is a ministry to the homeless and underserved populations in metro Phoenix.
- St. Vincent de Paul: The society works to feed, clothe, house and heal individuals and families in need.
- Community Bridges: The organization uses a holistic approach to behavioral health concerns and addition treatment.
- Circle the City: The nonprofit provides lifesaving healthcare to the homeless population.
- Homeless ID Project: The nonprofit provides lifesaving healthcare to the homeless population.
- Phoenix Office of Homeless Solutions: OHS gives support to people experiencing homelessness through an approach to shelter, heat relief, outreach and other services.
- PHX Cares: A coordinated response for those experiencing homelessness, offering education, encampment cleanups and resources.
- Arizona Foodbank Network: A coalition made up of five regional food banks and nearly 1,000 food pantries and agencies that work together to address hunger across the state.
- Phoenix Rescue Mission Homeless Outreach: The organization provides support to those experiencing homelessness, addiction and poverty.
- Homeless Youth Connection: The organization provides services to high school youth experiencing homelessness in Maricopa and Coconino counties.
- UMOM New Day Centers: The organization provides shelter, services and affordable housing to women and families experiencing homelessness in metro Phoenix.
- Native American Connections: The organization’s mission is to improve the lives of the Native American population through housing, health and community development services.
- Home Base: The shelter for youth in Phoenix provides various services, working to provide the necessary support for a sustainable future.
- VA Homeless Project: The organization helps veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
- Family Housing Hub: The organization helps those under 18 years old at risk of becoming homeless be connecting them to services.
- Veterans Mana House: The MANA house offers personal and individualized resources for those experiencing homelessness.
- A New Leaf: An organization that is dedicated to ending domestic violence, homelessness and other issues.
- Family Promise: The organization aims to help those experiencing homelessness through a community-based response.
- Save the Family: A provider of housing, case management and support services for those experiencing homelessness in metro Phoenix.
- Cloud Covered Streets: The nonprofit provides showers, laundry services, employment and haircuts to the homeless.