EB Interstate 10 traffic in Phoenix delayed through morning rush hour after semi-truck crash
Dec 27, 2023, 6:38 AM | Updated: 9:34 am

A semi-truck crashed on Interstate 10 in Phoenix on Wednesday morning, Dec. 27, 2023. (Arizona Department of Transportation Traffic Camera)
(Arizona Department of Transportation Traffic Camera)
PHOENIX – Eastbound traffic was delayed on Interstate 10 in Phoenix through rush hour Wednesday morning after a collision involving a semi-truck, authorities said.
A full closure went into effect just before 8 a.m., several hours after the big rig crashed and rolled near 40th Street, the Arizona Department of Transportation said.
The closure was lifted around 9 a.m., but authorities warned that delays would linger while some lanes remained blocked for the emergency response.
Even before the full closure, the crash caused significant delays with the truck blocking multiple lanes and leaking fuel.
As the morning commute progressed, the backup extended several miles on I-10 and into I-17 west of the “Split” interchange.
The crash was first reported around 4 a.m. The westbound lanes were not impacted.
No other details were immediately available.
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