Think Tank discusses politicized prosecutions, constraining democracy
Feb 26, 2021, 10:53 AM | Updated: 10:54 am

Protesters march in downtown Phoenix on June 6, 2020. (KTAR News Photo/Gabriel Gamiño)
(KTAR News Photo/Gabriel Gamiño)
This week’s Think Tank takes on two topics this week.
Politically motivated prosecutions: ABC15’s investigative reporter Dave Biscobing has been doing a series of reports on the highly politicized political prosecutions of several Black Lives Matter protesters. Ordinary protesters were charged as gang members on laughably flimsy evidence (wearing black, chanting, and carrying umbrellas to a protest).
Once Dave exposed the lack of serious evidence and multiple videos of the protests, most of the charges were dropped. He brings us up to date on this evolving story.
It’s not hard to see why Dave won three national Emmys and a slew of other awards for his work. You can see several of his reports on this subject here.
Constraining democracy: The Arizona Legislature is in session and considering a number of highly partisan bills that have a common theme: they will make it harder to vote or diminish the power of the vote. Specifically they would:
• Permit the Legislature to award electoral votes as they see fit, regardless of the popular vote (yes, really!)
• Require citizen initiatives to get 60% of the vote in order to be enacted.
• Make it harder to stay on the popular Permanent Early Voting List.
• Prohibit election officials from mailing you a ballot (in response to a pandemic or other catastrophic event) unless you previously had requested one.
• Prohibit election officials from extending deadlines in response to an emergency.
Julie Erfle joins the show to discuss these proposed electoral changes. Julie is a communications consultant at Erfle Uncuffed and a columnist for the Arizona Mirror.
The Think Tank airs on KTAR 92.3 FM on Saturday 3-4 p.m. and Sundays 9-10 p.m.
Podcasts are available after broadcast.