AZ Political Podcast: Paul Bentz analyzes recent presidential, Senate polling for Arizona
May 24, 2024, 4:15 AM
This week on the AZ Political Podcast, Paul Bentz, vice president of research and strategy at storied Arizona political firm Highground, joins me to analyze recent Arizona polling in the presidential race and our state’s U.S. Senate race.
Based on how many more Arizona Republicans consider themselves more loyal to Donald Trump than their party, we also kick around the idea of whether Trump should start a third party.
We also talk through whether Joe Biden can overcome how negatively Arizonans view the way he’s handling the border and the economy.
And, finally, we take up the topic of which of Arizona’s Congressional races will be competitive.
Also, why Paul believes the closeness of one of those races is due to one political party essentially horse-trading congressional districts with the other party — and then watching its population slowly change from one side to the other.
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