Blumhouse Productions is a renowned American film company that has produced hits such as “Paranormal Activity,” “Insidious” and “Get Out.” Beyond horror, it has also succeeded with dramas such as “Whiplash” and “Black Klansman,” both Oscar nominated. Working with acclaimed directors such as Jordan Peele and M. Night Shyamalan, Blumhouse’s films often find distribution through Universal Pictures under a long-term deal.
Blumhouse operates by producing films on modest budgets, granting directors creative control, and distributing widely through major studios. Originally known as Blum Israel Productions, it was founded with Amy Israel under a deal with Miramax. In 2002, Blumhouse Productions emerged after Blum and Israel parted ways. In 2015, it backed Crypt TV, founded by Jack Davis and Eli Roth.
Their low-budget strategy took off with hits like 2007’s “Paranormal Activity,” made for $15,000 but grossing over $193 million worldwide.
In November 2022, a merger with James Wan’s Atomic Monster was proposed, with both retaining autonomy. The merger finalized on January 2, 2024, with shared deals with Universal Pictures.