Arizona Theatre Company reveals lineup, health protocols for 54th season
Oct 10, 2020, 6:00 PM
(Courtesy photo/Arizona Theatre Company)
PHOENIX — The stage will soon come to life once again for Arizona Theatre Company’s venues in Phoenix and Tucson, but with new health protocols in order to put on a safe and fun show amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The company announced its six-show mainstage season in a press release on Friday, adding that the Herberger Theatre Center in Phoenix and the Temple of Music & Art in Tucson will be held to 25% capacity and require masks for shows.
An optional, limited-time recording of performances will also be available to view at home for ticket holders that are uncomfortable returning to the theatre.
“With in-home viewing and extensive new safety protocols in our theatres, we’re most likely to be the safest venue in town,” Sean Daniels, artistic director, said in the release.
“As the State Theatre, we’re determined to make sure Arizona continues to be a leader in the national cultural conversation.”
Part of the theatre’s season will include a new musical about Sandra Day O’Connor and the recently passed Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to the release, with performances beginning in Tucson from March 13 to April 3 before heading to Phoenix from April 8-25.
“With a new musical about RBG and Arizona’s beloved Sandra Day O’Connor by America’s most produced playwright, Arizona Theatre Company is primed to make Arizona the theatrical center of the country,” Daniels said.
The season kicks off with the musical “My 80-year-old Boyfriend” in Tucson from Jan. 23 to Feb. 13, before moving to Phoenix for shows lasting Feb. 18 to March 7.
Tickets and the full list of the season’s shows are available on the company’s website.
“Our team is eager to get back to the theatre, to see the faces of our audiences and to share the magic of live theatre together,” Geri Wright, managing director of Arizona Theatre Company, said in the release.
Wright added the organization would be reaching out to subscribers in the coming weeks to determine whether they prefer to view the shows in person or at home.
The recorded performances will be captured on the show’s respective opening nights with three cameras, according to the release.