SRP will not issue disconnections for economy plan customers until January
Sep 24, 2020, 4:05 AM
(Salt River Project Photo)
PHOENIX – The Salt River Project announced Tuesday it would extend its disconnection moratorium for customers through early January.
SRP customers who are on the economy price plan will benefit from the extension, according to a press release.
The company issued the halt to disconnections in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Additionally, SRP will automatically place customers who are not on the economy plan and have a debt of $80 or more on an eight-month payment plan if they have not previously made plan arrangements.
The utility company, which serves more than one million customers in the metro Phoenix area, will put standard payment policies, including disconnects for non-payment, back in place on Oct. 1 for non-economy plan customers.
SRP customer service representatives are available to discuss plan options and identify available bill assistance so customers do not face debt to start the new year.
Arizona Public Service announced last week it would not disconnect customer power for nonpayment through the end of the year.