These are the best and worst places to put home security cameras
Mar 12, 2023, 6:30 AM

(Pixabay Photo)
(Pixabay Photo)
You put a lot of trust in your home security cameras. Sadly, that can come back to bite you.
Security researchers found flaws with a major brand. Namely, they weren’t encrypting private footage. Yikes.
Beyond brands, there’s placement to consider. I compiled a list to ensure the essential spots are covered and you’re not making big mistakes.
Do: Keep an eye on doors and windows on the ground floor
Most burglars want the most straightforward route into your home. Set up cameras inside and outside your ground-level doors. Don’t forget any side and back doors, either.
In the event of a break-in, you’ll capture a clear image of their face as they walk up to your door and see everything they do once inside.
Don’t: Put cameras in the bedrooms
Most of us don’t want to deal with switching our cameras on and off. Sure, some come equipped with automatic home and away modes, but the idea of a camera catching personal moments makes me uncomfortable.
Here’s a scary thought: Someone hacked into your security system. Check these signs if you suspect it happened to you.
Do: Place them high up
Placement makes a world of difference. The worst place you can put a camera is on the ground. You might step on it, your dog might shower it (if you know what I mean), and it doesn’t record usable footage.
The higher, the better. This placement means your camera will be able to get the whole picture. Having cameras 8-10 feet off the ground means you’re more likely to see an intruder’s entire body, which can help police narrow down the list of suspects if it comes to that.
Don’t: Stick a camera in the bathroom
Not only will you make guests uncomfortable, but you may also violate the law. It’s illegal to record people without their consent in places with an expectation of privacy.
I get it. You have medication or something else you want to keep an eye on. A contractor once stole my mom’s pain pills from her medicine cabinet. Instead of putting up a camera, I put a motion sensor on the medicine cabinet door.
Sensors are an excellent way to stay safe without a digital eye always watching. Here are more smart places to stick one.
Do: Use corners to your advantage
The goal of a security camera is to capture as much quality footage as possible. Placing a camera in the corner will give you a complete picture.
Just about anything can be a hidden camera, no joke. Here’s how to spot them in an Airbnb, VRBO or another rental.
Don’t: Block the lens
Most burglars break in through obvious spots like windows or doors. Keep it simple and point the lens towards places with much traffic.
Avoid obstructions like plants, tree branches or backyard jungle gyms. Put your camera up high, so running pets or rowdy kids don’t throw them off.
Do: Put up signs
People act differently when they know they’re being recorded. I have signs in my yard telling anyone they are being recorded. These $12 signs on Amazon include stakes to put in the ground.
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