Victory Drive bridge will be closed in Tempe for maintenance work
Mar 10, 2024, 6:30 AM

Victory Bridge will undergo maintenance repairs beginning on Monday. (Google Maps screenshot)
(Google Maps screenshot)
PHOENIX — Commuting through Tempe might see a slight hiccup for the next five weeks as repair crews perform maintenance on the Victory Drive bridge over the Loop 101 Price Freeway.
Maintenance begins on Monday and is expected to run through May.
According to a release from the Arizona Department of Transportation, drivers can use University Drive or Apache Boulevard as alternatives to cross the highway.
Additionally, the frontage roads between between University Drive and Apache Boulevard will be reduced to one lane from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. while repair crews work to improve the bridge conditions.
Valley Metro bus stop locations will not be impacted but detours will be put in place and stop times could be affected.