Man convicted for 2018 home invasion and murder in Laveen gets maximum sentence
Jul 18, 2023, 4:00 PM

Scales and gavel (Pexels Photo)
(Pexels Photo)
PHOENIX — A man accused of a 2018 home invasion and murder at a Laveen home was given the maximum possible sentence for the crimes.
Benny Charles Brooks, 30, was convicted on 16 felony counts, including first-degree murder and burglary, according to a press release from the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office.
Brooks was sentenced to two concurrent life sentences for the murders. He received additional 25 years for the additional 14 counts, also to be served consecutively.
During the crime, Brooks along with two men forced their way into the home wearing ski masks, armed with an assault rifle and handguns.
The three men zip-tied the home’s residents and threatened to kill them.
One of the residents, Matthew Corral, untied himself and wrestled a gun away from the attackers. He shot and killed one of the attackers which Brooks in turn killed Corral.
A total of 24 rounds were fired, the press release said.
Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell said it was a horrific crime and one that has taken years to conclude.
“I am so proud of the prosecutors and victim advocates that worked to get the maximum sentences in this case,” Mitchell said in the press release. “They are a perfect example of the dedication and commitment of our office to ensure that those who cause harm in our community are held accountable for their actions.”