DPS gives update on Interstate 10 shootings in Phoenix
Sep 10, 2015, 2:08 PM | Updated: 3:31 pm

(KTAR Photo/Jim Cross)
(KTAR Photo/Jim Cross)
PHOENIX — The Arizona Department of Public Safety gave an update on the Interstate 10 shootings in Phoenix on Thursday.
In the update, DPS said it had confirmed 11 incidents — seven involving bullets and four involving projectiles — and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco were involved in the investigations.
At least two vehicles were hit by a projectile on Phoenix freeways Thursday morning. Police were investigating several more.
Authorities cordoned off a third site around lunchtime. That vehicle, a semitruck, was on I-10 near 67th Avenue when something hit a door.
A fourth car was traveling on State Route 51 near Shea Boulevard early afternoon when a window shattered. There has been no determination yet whether the incident was related to the serial shootings.
None of the drivers Thursday were injured. So far, only one person has been reported injured — a child sprayed with by broken glass.
Some of the vehicles have been hit by pellets. Some have been hit early morning, others in the evening and one late at night.
Arizona Department of Public Safety Director Col. Frank Milstead told KTAR’s Bruce St. James and Pamela Hughes Show that different weapons were involved and the methods varied, “but we’ll solve this one of two ways … tips or the diligence of detectives.”
Milstead went on to say that he would advise his daughter not drive on the freeway for the time being.
The shootings began late morning Aug. 29, when an SUV heading east on I-10 near 19th Avenue was hit by a bullet.
Within a few minutes, a westbound tour bus was shot at on the freeway between 35th and 67th avenues.
State troopers have been patrolling freeways from early morning to night.
Milstead called the shootings an “act of cowardliness.”
A $20,000 reward has been posted for information leading to the arrest of the suspected serial shooter.
DPS can be contacted at 602-644-5805.