Chandler’s unruly gathering, brass knuckles laws to go in effect Monday
Jun 22, 2024, 12:30 PM | Updated: Jun 24, 2024, 9:14 am

Chandler's brass knuckles laws for people under 18-years-old will go in effect on Monday. (City of Chandler and Getty Images File Photos)
(City of Chandler and Getty Images File Photos)
PHOENIX — Chandler will outlaw unruly gatherings and brass knuckles for minors starting Monday, the city announced.
These two ordinances were voted unanimously by the city with intentions to prevent and deter violence.
Here’s a breakdown of what each of these laws entail:
Unruly gathering law:
- Police can disperse unruly gatherings and cite/charge those responsible.
- Someone attending an unruly gathering can be cited if they do not follow a police officer’s orders.
- Parents can face violations for the actions of their minor.
- Violators can be charged with a class one misdemeanor if any of the following occur:
- A person under 21 possessing/purchasing alcohol or illegal drugs
- Committing an act designated a felony under state law
- A physical altercation that leads to injury
- A previous citation for unruly gathering within 180 days prior to the incident
Brass knuckles law:
- Minors are prohibited from possessing/purchasing brass knuckles.
- Businesses must confirm the person buying brass knuckles is at least 18 years old.
- Violators can be charged with a class one misdemeanor.
Notices about the unruly gathering law have been sent to 486 registered short-term rental properties in Chandler. Regarding the brass knuckles law, 98 secondhand, pawn, smoke shops, defense and weapons-related Chandler businesses have been notified.