Final Word: Whoa! Ray Rice’s wife rips NFL for his suspension
Sep 9, 2014, 9:42 PM | Updated: 9:42 pm

Is it possible to think that Janay Rice is as wrong in this case of NFL suspension as her husband is?
I hate to ask the question because you NEVER blame the victim in a domestic violence case. I didn’t blame Janay then, and I don’t now, but I do think she is just as wrong in how she is dealing with it.
When the video surfaced of Ray Rice dragging his wife out of an elevator, it was clear who was the aggressor. Maybe the NFL hoped the video wouldn’t look as bad as it did. Stupid, but maybe league officials were being hopeful rather than willfully ignorant. But no one who saw that clip of AFTER the punch, thought Janay was guilty.
(OK, Stephen A. Smith came close to saying that, but he quickly retracted his statements.) But Tuesday, Janay Rice condemned the NFL and all who support her husband’s indefinite suspension by saying this (previously public, her social-media account has since become private):
The most shocking thing you might read all day is the apparent statement from Ray Rice's wife
— darren rovell (@darrenrovell) September 9, 2014
Wait … what?
There are a few truths here. (I actually counted FIVE truths.)
• Ray Rice beat his wife unconscious
• She is OK with it
• The NFL suspended him indefinitely when league officials saw the video and realized there was no other choice
• It is neither Janay’s fault NOR the media’s fault that she got hit — it is Ray’s fault
• Janay may be beyond help
Apparently she is so addicted to the fame she gets from her husband’s NFL career that she is willing to put up with anything to keep it, including having to accept the fact that her husband’s suspension is a reality.
Janay, the media and the NFL aren’t forcing you to accept it. It happened. And clearly you aren’t accepting it because you are still with the man.
We didn’t hit you, he did.
Let’s place the blame where it belongs.