Think Tank dissects 2022 election and what it may mean for democracy
Nov 18, 2022, 10:30 AM

(Pexels Photo)
(Pexels Photo)
While we are still counting ballots, the broad outlines of the election results are apparent. There was no “red wave” for sure. Here in Arizona, Democrats are on the verge of a near sweep of the state’s top offices.
We bring back our favorite political guru Chuck Coughlin for a one-on-one with host Mike O’Neil to take a broad view of the election and its meaning.
On the face of it, this election would seem to be a victory for democracy. Notably, except in a few cases, election-deniers took a beating. Arizona had more than its share of these, and thus Republicans took disproportionate hits in Arizona. (Factoid: when was the last time Arizona had two Democratic senators and a Democratic governor? 1951)
In particular, as a lifelong Republican, Coughlin’s views on the future of the Republican party are insightful. After the MAGA wing of the Republican Party took such a beating, will the traditional mainstream conservative Republicans re-assert themselves? Will they have that power within the party? Or are they destined to look elsewhere or remain on the sidelines?
This week’s Think Tank pulls back from the myopic discussion of particular candidates and takes a look at our political system and how it fared in the just-completed election.
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