Think Tank discusses news media with former TV reporter Steve Krafft
Jun 24, 2022, 10:30 AM

(Pixabay Photo)
(Pixabay Photo)
Steve Krafft retired in 2019 as a reporter for Fox 10 Phoenix after over 20 years there. He is our first guest this week.
Later in the show, political guru Chuck Coughlin joins our discussion.
This week we consider:
• Comparisons between the Jan. 6 insurrection and Watergate: What is the same? What is different? Clearly one of the differences is that Richard Nixon for well over a year denied any involvement. Donald Trump’s actions, for the most part, have been highly visible. That makes discovering a “smoking gun” all the more difficult – it’s been in full view.
• Krafft worked at Fox 10, where Kari Lake was news anchor. As a longtime colleague, what is his take on her candidacy? And in particular her attacks on “The Media” (whatever that is)?
• We also consider public perceptions of corporate “instructions” for news people to cover (or not cover) certain stories. Steve and Mike offer independent observations on that.
The Think Tank airs on KTAR 92.3 FM on Saturday 6-7 p.m. and Sunday 9-10 p.m.
Podcasts are available after broadcast. Older shows are archived at