Report: Two Irishmen sneak into Arizona Super Bowl with no tickets
Feb 3, 2015, 2:51 PM | Updated: 2:51 pm
PHOENIX — If this isn’t the luck of the Irish, we don’t know what is.
The Independent reports two Irishmen were able to not only get inside Super Bowl XLIX in Glendale, Arizona, but sit in the fourth row without tickets.
“Our game plan was to be super confident,” Richard [Whelan] told RTE Radio One Morning Ireland.
“We just thought if we pretend we belong there, nobody will question us.”
Whelan went on to say that he and his accomplice, Paul McEvoy, blended with a group of first aid workers to get past security.
After they got in, the pair bounced around from seat to seat until another fan told them two seats in the fourth row were empty.
“We spoke to this guy and told him we had sneaked in. He told us the girls beside him were in the halftime show and so wouldn’t be coming back to their seats after halftime.
“So we ended up in the fourth row, sitting beside a former Super Bowl champion Lawyer Milloy who gave us a play-by-play of the game.”
They kept the party going after the game, too. They boarded a VIP bus that dropped them off close to their hotel.
Erin go freebie, are we right?