Arizona Sen. Sinema ‘most upset’ for students filmed in activists’ bathroom encounter
Oct 22, 2021, 6:15 PM
(Photo by Cheriss May/Getty Images)
PHOENIX — Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema on Friday said when she and three students were confronted in a bathroom at Arizona State University on Oct. 3 by activists, she was most upset for the students that were being filmed.
“I was surprised and disappointed that folks who disagree on a policy issue or on a political strategy would really invade the privacy of my students,” Sinema told KTAR News 92.3 FM’s Gaydos and Chad Show.
“They’re just trying to get their masters degree in social work, they just want to help communities throughout Arizona, they’re not involved in anything political, and to have their classroom and academic experience disrupted and disrespected in this way — I was very, very disappointed in that. It’s also just kind of weird.”
Sinema has taught at the university for over 19 years and has prided herself during that time in creating a “safe and challenging intellectual environment” for her students.
“To have that breached by folks who’re upset — and frankly guys, they’re upset about immigration which is an area in which we agree,” Sinema said.
“We agree on the substance, so I wasn’t quite sure what they were doing or why they were motivated to do this, but I was really upset that they would victimize my students in this way.”
Members from the group Living United for Change in Arizona confronted Sinema and a few students in the campus bathroom, and followed her out of the bathroom chanting, “Build Back Better, back the bill.”
She said little to the activists, some of whom LUCHA said were Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients.