Think Tank plans to present civilized discussion on abortion
Oct 15, 2021, 11:30 AM
(AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
I have done this show for eight years – 375 shows, in fact. During that period, I have only avoided one topic. Until now.
Abortion. I can’t think of any topic more explosive and emotional. And therefore one most likely to descend into personal attacks.
My goal this week is to have the most civilized discussion of abortion you will ever hear.
That means personal attacks are off limits, but policy advocacy is unconstrained.
And I think I have the two people most capable of doing it. Both were on the show a few months ago on an entirely different topic. And that was the genesis of this show.
Chris Love is the chair of Planned Parenthood Advocates. Tyler Montague is a conservative Republican activist and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
If you guessed which side each was on, you’d be right.
We consider:
• Does life believe life begins at conception? Can you prove this?
• Under what conditions do you think your beliefs should be codified in laws that are imposed on others who do not share those beliefs?
• Then I ask each the hardest question I could think of for someone on their side of the argument. Later I ask them to question each other with the proviso that the question should not be disguised argument, but a genuine attempt to understand the perspectives of the other.
• I conclude with my observations about the status of public opinion on the issue. And that turns out to be more nuanced than our public debate usually reflects.
We may not have settled any arguments here. But due to the character of our panelists, I do believe we met the challenge reflected in the show’s title.
The Think Tank airs on KTAR 92.3 FM on Saturday 6-7 p.m. and Sunday 9-10 p.m.
Podcasts are available after broadcast. Older shows are archived at