Arizona health department adds vaccine eligibility tracker, more to site
Feb 26, 2021, 3:05 PM | Updated: 6:26 pm
(AP Photo)
PHOENIX — The Arizona Department of Public Health has made additions to its website this week, including an eligibility tracker for those seeking the coronavirus vaccine.
The tracker allows users to select their age and occupation to see if they are currently eligible to receive the vaccine.
Occupations that are listed so far on the tracker include those outlined in Phases 1A, priority 1B and some in general 1B.
Dr. Cara Christ, ADHS director, said Friday that additions will be made to the occupation portion of the tracker to include all essential workers that fall into general 1B.
Here’s the list of occupations in general Phase 1B that are currently searchable on the tracker:
- Power/utility worker
- Food service distributor/packaging
- Grocery worker
- Restaurant worker
- Public transportation provider
- Airline staff
- Gas station staff
- Auto shop worker
- Other transportation (Uber/Lyft)
- State/local government workers
- Business/financial services
- Bank teller
- Bank employee
- Funeral service
Some Arizona counties have moved into general 1B or even Phase 1C, but Maricopa County has not.
Christ said there hasn’t been a statewide recommendation to move into general 1B but added that it could come soon.
“I would anticipate in March. I just don’t know if it’s this week or mid-March just yet,” Christ said during a press conference.
ADHS also made additions to the vaccine portion of its dashboard, notably including the percent of vaccines utilized and the percentage of vaccinated Arizonans.
Zip code vaccination data is another new addition to the site. The feature allows users to see the number of doses administered per zip code.
Christ said early next week users will also be able to sort by the percent of those vaccinated per zip code.