Dave Ramsey says: Pay off car note, then enjoy freedom from debt
Sep 20, 2020, 4:45 AM
(Pexels Photo)
Dear Dave,
My only debt right now is a car payment. I still owe $12,000 on the vehicle, and currently I have $25,000 in savings.
I’m in a very stable line of work, but my income can vary somewhat from month to month. Should I hang on to my savings, or pay off the car?
– Erik
Dear Erik,
Debt is a bad thing to have in your life, especially when your income can vary from paycheck to paycheck.
You’re in good shape, except for the car note, though. It’s like a ball and chain around your neck.
You’d still have $13,000 left if you paid off the car. And with the money you’d free up, you could rebuild your savings in no time.
Pay off the car, dude!
— Dave