Coronavirus complacency and the possibility of a ‘second wave’
May 8, 2020, 1:30 PM
(Ann-Sophie Fjello-Jensen/AP Images for Hyatt)
As our Arizona economy starts to come out of its quarantine this weekend, we’re being warned by the “better safe than sorry” folks that our economic reemergence will lead to a reemergence of COVID-19: a “second wave.”
While I agree that a second wave is a distinct possibility, I don’t think it’ll happen solely because of the simple reason they do.
If a second wave is coming, the leading cause will be… too much hope.
Hey — wait a second! Hanging onto hope is essential to weathering tough times! But if I luxuriously bathe in hope — especially false hope — that can lead to the plague known as coronavirus complacency.
Most of the people who think Gov. Doug Ducey cracking open the door to our economy will result in a second wave, think so because of the simple increase in social interaction reopening brings with it. While that will be part of a potential second wave, how we interact in groups and our individual behaviors will really be the determining factors.
The feelings of partial normality that come with our partial reopening might create a complacency that could end up being the enemy of continuing to open further.
Knowing I can go more places — the waning of our lockdown — can result in feeling like the danger of spreading COVID is also waning. Instead, the danger is actually increasing and cases will increase if we aren’t vigilant during our reemergence.
I’ve had to remind myself a little more to wash my hands lately and I walked into a business yesterday — without a mask — that was busy enough that I certainly would’ve worn a mask there before.
So, not because I’m a government sheeple (which I guarantee I’ll be called in the comments below this article) but because I’m a good, pro-business citizen who supports reopening our economy, I’m going to remember what Gov. Ducey said when he announced our partial reopening: “Get your hair cut, get something to eat and head home. That’s where it’s safest.”
For us Arizonans who have hated staying home, let’s keep our guard up and act responsibly while in public and in private (i.e. washing our hands all the freakin’ time). Doing so could mean that we won’t have to face a second wave of home-bound hunkering.
And for business owners who have said that Ducey moved too slow to even get us to this point, it’s in your best interests to keep your guard up by maintaining safeguards in your business for your customers and your employees.
Because a second wave of COVID-19 deaths could finally spell the death of your business — and just when you finally got a sliver of hope.