With this dessert, you can have seconds on the Fourth
Jul 2, 2014, 5:41 PM | Updated: 5:41 pm
The Fourth of July is fast approaching and between beer and barbecue, the holiday may make us think twice about those bikinis.
But break them out anyway, Ladies!
Because with this easy, low-calorie recipe, there’s no reason not to indulge in dessert on Friday!
One of the prettiest — and most popular — Fourth of July desserts is strawberry (or cherry) Cheesecake, but as we all know, it’s loaded with calories. I recently ran across this awesome switcharoo with only 60 calories per delectable bite! This Fourth of July, try “cheesecake strawberries” instead!
Cheesecake Strawberries
(from the website The Comfort of Cooking)
1 lb. fresh strawberries
Rinse and pat dry, then hull and hollow out slightly — just enough for the yummy cheesecake filling. You should have 16 to 20 strawberries. Cut off the tip just a little bit, so the strawberries will stand up on a platter.(Maybe a blue one?)
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Graham cracker crumbs, optional
With an electric mixer, beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla on medium speed until fluffy — about 2 minutes. Place mixture in a pastry bag and pipe into each strawberry, adding a little extra to the top. Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled. Sprinkle graham cracker crumbs on top of each one (optional). You might even sprinkle a few blueberries on the plate or put one on top of each berry as well.
TIP: Don’t make more than five hours in advance or they may sweat and may become a bit soggy.
Enjoy, and Happy Independence Day!