The Weekly DownLloyd: Dogs, cats and yoga pants
Jan 17, 2014, 6:16 AM | Updated: 6:30 am
As the producer of Mac & Gaydos this is my own unique, weird, wacky and, at times, warped look at the weeks seven biggest stories.
This week KTAR’s newest full-time reporter Mark Remillard joins me.
Apparently jobless millennials are costing us big bucks.
I’d love to know how the math was calculated for just how much they’re costing us. Are we talking about income tax dollars, sales tax money? Both? Neither? At any rate, Mark has a job now so he’s no longer sucking the economy dry.
Rob Ryan of the New Orleans Saints is by all accounts a great Defensive Coordinator. Apparently if he wants to become a head coach though he’ll have to cut his hair. Yes, that’s right, doesn’t matter how good of a football coach he is, apparently NFL owners want their coaches to look the part too.
Rob, if I ran an NFL team, and let’s be honest, it’s a tragedy I don’t, I’d hire you in an instant, and you could even keep your hair just the way it is.
First it’s the hair, then what? Where would the line be drawn?
I’m not sure you knew this about me, but I’m just a big cat. I didn’t know that about myself till this week, but yes, according to my cat, I’m just a big cat.
This does make some sense, but I think cats are pretty smart and if I’m just a big cat how does the cat rationalize the scooping of the litter and the fact I come and go for hours each day? What mother cat does that?
For the rest of the Weekly DownLloyd’s stories click the speaker at the top of this story and enjoy the entire countdown in audio form.