It’s NFL Opening Day! But it’s Thursday…
Sep 5, 2013, 12:00 PM | Updated: 2:26 pm
Men, we have been anticipating this day for months: It’s FINALLY opening day of the NFL season.
But something just doesn’t seem right.
Forget about the 100-plus degree temperatures and that Major League Baseball still has 194 games to play. It’s Thursday! Football is for Sundays and Sundays are for football. That’s why God let us rest on the seventh day, for football!
Starting the season on Thursday needs to be banned by the league. If you have kids, it’s a school night. If you have a job, it’s a work night.
Football fans want to celebrate the first game of the season, celebrate with beer, friends, nachos and wings. We can’t pull this off on a Thursday! Showing up to work on Friday after getting the kids to school late, hung over and in the same clothes that we wore Thursday just doesn’t work for us.
Sundays at 10 a.m. are the perfect day and time for the first game and every game. All of your chores were done on Saturday. The kids’ Little League games? Saturday again. Date with the wife? Again, Saturday.
We have NOTHING to do on Sunday. If we go to church, we go on Saturday nights. If our church doesn’t offer Saturday services, we find a new church!
Thursday night football can start after Thanksgiving. It’s not like it would impact our work life. We mail it in every Friday in December, anyway.
I will give the NFL one thing: Baltimore versus Denver is not going to be terrible to watch. What will make it terrible is pausing the game every 10 minutes to help with homework or take out the trash or pack the kids’ lunches for Friday.
It just doesn’t feel like opening day. What’s next, Super Bowl Wednesday?