Uber, Lyft offering voters free, reduced-cost rides to polls on Election Day
Oct 16, 2018, 4:33 AM
(AP Photo)
PHOENIX — In less than one month, voters across Arizona will head to their local polling locations to weigh in on several major races, and two ride-share companies want to make it easier for them to do so.
Uber and Lyft have announced that the companies will offer free or discounted rides to people looking to vote in person on Nov. 6.
Uber, in partnership with #VoteTogether and Democracy Works, will offer free rides to “millions of Americans who cite transportation barriers as the reason they don’t vote,” while Lyft will do the same to “underserved communities” with nonpartisan, nonprofit partners such as Voto Latino and the National Federation of the Blind.
Lyft is also offering 50 percent off rides for people across the country who are looking to vote, through partnerships with Vote.org, Nonprofit Vote and TurboVote.
“It is estimated that over 15 million people were registered but didn’t vote in 2016 because of transportation issues,” the company wrote in a blog post.
“That’s why we’re committed to providing 50 percent off rides across the country, and free rides to underserved communities that face significant obstacles to transportation.”
Uber will also host voter registration drives at more than 125 U.S. Greenlight Hub locations around the country until Election Day.