Facing Arizona: A creative professional with concern for net neutrality

Jul 27, 2018, 4:10 PM


Editor’s note: Facing Arizona is a series that will appear on KTAR.com and social media  — follow KTAR News on Instagram and Facebook for updates — highlighting unique and everyday people across our state and give you a glimpse into their lives.

Hello, my name is Michael Bordon, I am 32 years old. I have lived in Arizona for 13 years, and I am a creative professional.

I am originally from Des Moines, Iowa. I attended high school in Washington state then moved here to attend college. I completed my undergrad in graphic design, and I now have a Master’s in project management.

One of the things that concerns me, being a creative professional, is the FCC and their dismantlement of the regulations governing net neutrality. As a content provider, my ability to share information, and collaborate with customers and other creatives, is tantamount to success. Doing this at the highest speeds, without the fear of throttling, is a must.

As a small business owner, I do not feel I should be treated any less than a large business or corporation when it comes to the quality and reliability of service from my ISP. I shouldn’t have to pay more and receive less. It would be like lowering the speed limits on our freeways and then setting up tollbooths to charge you for using them.

I am hopeful that in the next legislative session that someone will introduce a bill, similar to Washington, Oregon and Alaska, that protects my rights at the state level. Comcast is one such provider that is already poised, and in some states already has, increase rates while decreasing service.

This type of behavior is just wrong. Larger businesses and corporate America get free passes on items that smaller companies do not, I think that needs to change.” —Michael

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Facing Arizona: A creative professional with concern for net neutrality