British reporter taken on wild virtual reality ride on live TV
Sep 9, 2017, 10:31 AM
With the advancements in technology and virtual-reality simulations, the line between what is real and what is not can feel more blurred than ever these days.
One British television reporter found that out for himself, after taking a ride on a virtual reality rollercoaster — and being left terrified because of it.
Richard Arnold, a reporter for Good Morning Britain, was essentially the show’s guinea pig when he was chosen to participate in two virtual reality events: Walking across scaffolding for a high-rise building and riding on a rollercoaster.
The rollercoaster ride was taken to a whole new level when Arnold was told to sit in a chair — that moved along with the ride, making it feel even more real.
Poor Arnold could barely get a word out because he was too busy stammering and screaming, much to the delight of his coworkers.
The video makes for a good laugh after a long work week. It has more than 241,000 views on YouTube, as of Friday night.