5 mental health myths you didn’t know were made up
May 9, 2023, 1:53 PM | Updated: May 10, 2023, 1:01 pm
Helping individuals understand mental health diagnoses like obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder or generalized anxiety disorder isn’t always an easy undertaking. After all, our society tends to spread misconceptions about mental health like wildfire.
This is why being mindful about how we talk about mental health is so important. We can either perpetuate misinformation about already misunderstood disorders, or help bust myths and reduce harmful stigmas. If you’re ready to round out your mental health knowledge this Mental Health Awareness Month, take a look at these five mental health myths you didn’t know were made up.
MYTH: Everyone has an anxiety disorder.
FACT: There’s a big difference between anxiety, a human emotion that everyone experiences, and generalized anxiety disorder, a mental health condition.
Sometimes, people accidentally use the terms “generalized anxiety disorder” and “anxiety” interchangeably. The truth is that they aren’t one in the same.
Does everyone get anxious from time to time? Of course! Whether you’re worried about a deadline at work or are nervous about going on a date with someone new, anxiety creeps up on us all. Generalized anxiety disorder, however, is characterized by excessive worry that impairs a person’s functioning.
MYTH: Obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders like OCD or Body Dysmorphic Disorder are rare.
FACT: Obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders are more common than you think.
According to the International OCD Foundation, obsessive compulsive disorder affects over 2.5 million adults in the United States and 70 million individuals worldwide. When it comes to Body Dysmorphic Disorder, over 5 million people in the United States suffer from the diagnosis. While some people mistakenly believe that obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders are unusual or strange, people who are struggling with these diagnoses are not alone.
MYTH: Only people with severe mental illness should go to therapy.
FACT: Therapeutic treatment is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to feel better.
Some prospective clients express fear that their symptoms “aren’t severe enough” to warrant therapeutic intervention. The OCD and Anxiety Treatment Center believes that if your mental health symptoms are interfering with your ability to live a joyful and fulfilling life, pursuing therapeutic treatment can help you get back on track. With the right clinicians on your team, you can embark on a healing journey that sets you free from the symptoms that have been holding you back.
MYTH: Kids can’t have OCD.
FACT: Over 1 in every 200 children and teens have OCD.
The International OCD Foundation notes that an estimated 500,000 youth in America have OCD. That’s almost the same amount of children who have diabetes! Some people think that children can’t suffer from mental health disorders like OCD, or that they are too young to be diagnosed. In reality, this simply isn’t the case. In fact, The OCD and Anxiety Treatment Center treats youth as young as 5 years old.
MYTH: Most mental health conditions aren’t treatable.
FACT: There is hope!
At The OCD and Anxiety Treatment Center, our therapists specialize in gold-standard treatments that help our clients achieve significant symptom reduction and take their lives back from the painful symptoms they experience. If you think you have to suffer for the rest of your life, think again. There is hope!