First-year Chandler teacher wins Gaydos & Chad’s Tribute to a Teacher
Apr 7, 2020, 2:30 PM | Updated: 4:07 pm

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(Facebook Photo)
PHOENIX – School may not be in session in Arizona and around the country, but appreciation for teachers remains strong.
Brittany Shirkey, a sixth-grade teacher at Fulton Elementary in Chandler, was awarded $2,500 from KTAR News 92.3 FM’s Gaydos and Chad‘s monthly Pay Tribute to a Teacher, presented by Your Valley Toyota Dealers.
“Teaching means to me just being able to be that support system for them and letting them know they’re loved,” the first-year teacher said.
Shirkey has “inspired, motivated,” her students, the nominating letter read. The teacher is “able to to pull out as much potential in students” as there is, the letter writer said.
The mother of two young daughters lost her husband in February and had taken time off from school.
“The community at my school has been amazing,” Shirkey said.
Students wrote her letters and cards. When she dropped by, they gave her hugs.
Like many teachers, Shirkey often pays for classroom supplies out of her own pocket.
“I wish she could teach every grade and show how a teacher should be,” the nominating letter said.