Dave says: Embracing financial discipline is a sacrifice you won’t regret
Feb 4, 2024, 5:45 AM

(Pexels Photo)
(Pexels Photo)
Dear Dave,
I switched to a debit card so that the money I spend comes directly from my checking account. But I still have a problem some months with overspending and buying things I shouldn’t. Do you think I should stop using my debit card?
Dear Debbie,
When I made the decision to get intentional with my money, I just used cash. It’s hard to spend it when you don’t have any on you. It’s a tough thing, I know, but you have to make a conscious decision to start living differently. You’ve got to get mad at the things that steal your money a dollar or two at a time enough to take action.
Try looking at your life as a whole, not a moment at time. All the moments you’re living right now will have either a positive or negative effect on your future. I decided I wanted the greater, long-term good, so I gave up on the short-term stuff.
Debit cards are great tools. You can’t spend money you don’t have with them like you can with a credit card. But you’ve still got to budget very carefully for each month, and give a name and a job to every single penny of your income. Otherwise, you can still overspend.