Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva is set to become the first congressional endorsement for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at a Tucson rally Friday.
An attorney for Republican presidential contender Donald Trump apologized Tuesday for making the incorrect assertion that "by the very definition, you can't rape your spouse."
Hillary Rodham Clinton dodged questions Tuesday about her positions on trade and the Keystone XL pipeline, telling a New Hampshire voter that if the future of the project opposed by environmentalists remains "undecided when I become president, I will answer your question."
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday chided his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination for speaking in slogans rather than offering specifics on policies they'd pursue if elected to the White House.
The United States must acknowledge a "painful, complicated" history of racial discrimination that still affects many minorities, Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio said Monday between campaign speeches in South Carolina.
Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker said Monday he would shift most of the responsibilities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to state-based regulators, leaving the EPA to serve as an "umbrella organization" that would resolve disputes between them.
Jeb Bush implored his Republican presidential rivals Monday to reject the "crazy message of hate" that he sees at play in the campaign and cast himself as a "committed conservative," but not an "angry" one, in remarks rooted in Donald Trump's inflammatory rhetoric and the backlash that followed.
Calling climate change one of the "most urgent threats of our time," Hillary Rodham Clinton laid out elements of a sweeping plan Monday that would see every U.S. home powered by renewable energy by 2027, even as she declined to take a position on the Keystone XL oil pipeline opposed by environmental activists.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton says climate change is real and people are "just not paying attention" if they don't acknowledge it.
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is sticking with his controversial criticism of the Iran nuclear deal as "marching the Israelis to the door of the oven," a reference to the Holocaust.
Sen. Bernie Sanders wrapped up a weekend campaign swing in Louisiana with a typically fiery speech railing against income inequality and touching on issues of racism and criminal justice during a rally that drew close to 4,000 people to a suburban New Orleans convention center Sunday night.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said she never knowingly sent or received classified information using her private email server and did not know what messages were being cited by intelligence investigators as examples of emails containing classified information.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump opened up a line of attack Saturday on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, accusing the leader in recent polls in Iowa of running his neighboring state into financial trouble.
The bickering has flared once more between Hillary Rodham Clinton's team and the Republican-led House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks, this time over negotiations for the former secretary of state's possible testimony.