Woman dies in head-on collision with city bus near 19th Avenue and Cactus Road in Phoenix
Apr 29, 2024, 11:15 AM | Updated: Apr 30, 2024, 6:37 am

A woman died Monday, April 29, 2024, in a head-on collision with a city bus in Phoenix. (X Photo/@PhoenixMetroBus)
(X Photo/@PhoenixMetroBus)
PHOENIX – A woman died Monday morning in a head-on collision with a city bus in Phoenix, authorities said.
Officers responded to the crash scene at 19th Avenue and Larkspur Drive, north of Cactus Road, around 9 a.m., according to the Phoenix Police Department.
The driver of the small passenger vehicle that collided with the bus, later identified as 31-year-old Melody Stewart, was pronounced dead at the scene.
The bus had three passengers, all of whom were checked out by fire department responders. One of them was taken to a hospital with injuries that weren’t life-threatening, and the other two declined further treatment.
The stretch of 19th Avenue between Thunderbird and Cactus roads was closed for several hours for the investigation.
What happened before head-on collision with bus in Phoenix?
“After their initial investigation, detectives learned the passenger car was heading northbound on 19th Avenue from Cactus Road when it veered into the southbound lanes and onto oncoming traffic. The vehicle collided into the west curb just before colliding with a city bus, which was heading southbound on 19th Avenue,” Sgt. Phil Krynsky said in a media advisory.
The investigation is ongoing.
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