Scottsdale ranked most pet-friendly city in the country, per WalletHub
Aug 13, 2022, 5:00 AM

(AP Photo/John Locher)
(AP Photo/John Locher)
PHOENIX — Those that are looking to bring a furry friend into their life should look in the East Valley as Scottsdale was named the most pet-friendly city in the country on Tuesday, according to WalletHub.
It is no surprise people treat their pets as if they are children. In 2021, pet ownership cost Americans $123.6 billion, according to the American Pet Products Association.
The personal finance company ranked 100 different cities off of budget, health & wellness and outdoor friendliness that saw Scottsdale shoot to the top, followed by Phoenix at No. 33.
Scottsdale ranked No. 74 in budget, No. 1 in health & wellness and No. 6 in outside friendliness.
Scottsdale also ranked second in the country pet business per capita behind Reno while Newark fell last on the list.
Phoenix also placed third in most animal shelters per capita.
Many Arizona cities rounded out the bottom of the list with Glendale (No. 80), Gilbert (No. 82), Tucson (No. 84), Mesa (No. 86) and Chandler (No. 93).
Tampa (No. 2), Portland (No. 3), St. Louis (No. 4) and Cincinnati (No. 5) round out the top of list.