Scottsdale ranked best city in the country to find a job, per WalletHub
Jan 6, 2024, 6:30 AM

Scottsdale Unified School District bus (Facebook Photo/Chaparral High School SUSD)
(Facebook Photo/Chaparral High School SUSD)
PHOENIX — Those who are looking for a fresh start in 2024 might look to the city of Scottsdale to find a new job, according to a personal finance website.
WalletHub said that Scottsdale boasted the highest job growth rate in the nation at 12%. They also ranked first in internship opportunities.
The study also found that the city had the fifth-highest median annual income – adjusted for cost of living – in the country.
The site has also produced favorable results for Scottsdale in many other studies.
They ranked the East Valley suburb as the most pet-friendly city in the U.S. and the No. 4 ranked city to celebrate Thanksgiving.
WalletHub ranked 182 of the nation’s largest cities for the best places to find a job in 2024. Nine cities in Arizona were analyzed for the rankings.
Tempe (13) and Chandler (26) weren’t too far behind Scottsdale on the list. Even Phoenix (37) and Gilbert (48) fell within the top 50.
Tucson (120), Peoria (114), Glendale (74) and Mesa (56) were the remaining four cities.
The study analyzed cities based on job market and socio-economics with a variety of metrics used to measure the two categories.
Scottsdale ranked first in job market and sixth in socio-economics.
Tempe came in third behind Scottsdale in job growth rate.