Report: Arizona congressman part of group working to halt Donald Trump
Mar 17, 2016, 4:53 PM | Updated: Mar 18, 2016, 8:43 am

In this March 14, 2016, photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, N.C. Republican leaders are wavering between grudging acceptance and deep denial about Trump’s likely ascent to the GOP presidential nomination. With at least three more states in his win column, Trump is now the only candidate with a path to clinching the Republican nomination before the party's convention in July.(AP Photo/Chuck Burton)
(AP Photo/Chuck Burton)
PHOENIX — An Arizona congressman is reportedly part of a group of Republicans working to halt front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign.
The Washington Post reports Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) met secretively with other party members for hours on Thursday to discuss ways to unite against the New York billionaire.
Franks told the publication he was there “to listen” to what others had to say because he’s concerned for the party.
“I am worried about the kind of damage that Trump could cause to our party,” he said. “… As a conservative, I can’t trust Donald Trump to do the right thing.”
Franks said there is still time for the GOP to add another candidate to the ballot, one in which the party theoretically has more faith.
“It’s certainly not too late,” Franks told the Post. “You could get another party on the ballot. A candidate could be picked as late as August. … It would have to be a movement conservative.”
Franks declined to answer if any names had been floated to take the nomination.
Franks officially endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign last week.
The Arizona congressman has also said Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio, who dropped out of the presidential race this week, should come together to run against Trump.