Phoenix police releases video of officer-involved shooting
Dec 30, 2023, 4:00 PM
(PhoenixPolice YouTube screenshot)
PHOENIX — The Phoenix Police Department released a briefing on Friday including video and other information related to an officer-involved shooting which occurred on Dec. 16.
The incident occurred near 50th Street and McDowell Road as officers responded to several calls with trouble beginning closer to 44th Street and McDowell, the release said.
An initial caller indicated to authorities that her boyfriend had been stabbed with a metal stick, later identified in the release as a “cylindrical metal object.”
Officers spotted the suspect near 49th Street walking in and out of traffic and holding an object in his hands.
Video (WARNING: Graphic Content) shows that police gave commands to the suspect to put his hands up, but the suspect kept walking while shouting back at the officers.
After continuing to not comply with police orders, an officer shot the suspect. Just before, another officer fired a pepper ball launcher as well.
Though immediate medical aid was provided on scene by officers and the suspect was transported to the hospital for treatment, he died.
The original victim of the stabbing was transported to the hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries, and no other community members were injured in the incident.
According to the release, conclusions about whether the officer’s actions comply with policy will not be made until all facts are known and an internal investigation — which is currently underway — is complete.