Mesa announces free community college tuition
Apr 8, 2021, 4:25 AM | Updated: Apr 9, 2021, 10:47 am

(Facebook photo/Mesa Community College)
(Facebook photo/Mesa Community College)
PHOENIX – Residents and eligible graduating students in Mesa can now apply to Mesa Community College for the 2021 fall semester with tuition costs fully covered for two years, officials announced.
Eligibility for the Mesa College Promise program includes a 2.0 or better high school GPA and city residency.
The promise program in Mesa will cover tuition and fees remaining after funds from FAFSA or other scholarships are applied.
“Our goal is to be the source of possibilities, whether it is earning credentials to enter the workforce, an associate’s degree or transfer credits to a university,” the community college’s interim President Lori Berquam said in the press release.
Mayor John Giles stressed the importance of educating and expanding the workforce as it “is vital to attract future industry.”
“Many of the outstanding corporations and industries who have chosen to move to Mesa shared they did so because of our skilled employees and educational opportunities,” Giles said in the release.
He has challenged businesses and philanthropists to match the city of Mesa’s financial promise of $100k.
Student funding is awarded through the foundation, made possible by generous contributions of more than 10 businesses, individuals and federal CARES act funding, according to the release.
Yavapai College has the same program in Prescott, Ariz.