East Valley city’s original newspaper to relaunch as The Tempe Tribune
Jan 4, 2024, 4:05 AM

The original newspaper for an East Valley city will relaunch as “The Tempe Tribune” starting Feb. 4, 2024.(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
PHOENIX — The original newspaper for an East Valley city will relaunch as “The Tempe Tribune” starting next month.
The newspaper was formerly known as The Tempe Daily News, according to Times Media Group, its acquirer.
When the newspaper launches on Feb. 4, it will be delivered weekly to about 25,000 readers via emails on Saturdays and about 20,000 readers in city neighborhoods. It can also be picked up at over 250 locations across Tempe.
“I have been asked in recent years many times if or when we might bring back a dedicated weekly paper to the Tempe community. The timing just hadn’t worked up until now,” Steve Strickbine, president of Times Media Group, said in a press release.
“I can’t tell you how many people from all over Tempe have expressed their excitement about having a community news platform dedicated to their community. We share that excitement.”
Here’s the history of what will soon be The Tempe Tribune
Tempe Daily News launched in 1887 after it was purchased from the Salt River Valley News, a 20-month-old newspaper at the time.
Operations went uninterrupted for 122 years, until publication of the paper stopped in 2009.
The paper eventually became part of the East Valley Tribune, which Times Media Group acquired in 2016.
“In the 25 ears I have been in the business, I have seen many news groups that provided important information to communities disappear,” Strickbine said.
“I am more committed than ever to keeping community news alive and to bringing great stories to local residents. I hope our readers will tell a friend and support our advertisers, so the new paper thrives and we can keep telling the story of Tempe for its residents and businesses.”